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Monday, April 02, 2007

Prometheus Unbound-Discussion Questions

  1. What is the relationship between Prometheus and Jupiter at the beginning of the poem? How does it change over the course of the first Act. What do you make of the way in which Prometheus “recalls” (I, 59) his curse. Why do you think the Phantasm of Jupiter appears in order to speak the words with which Prometheus cursed Jupiter? After he hears the curse, Prometheus responds, “It doth repent me” (I, 303). What, specifically, are the effects of Prometheus’ repentance, and how does his response have those effects? You may want to compare “The struggling world, which slaves and tyrants win” (I, 577) to the Spirit of the Hour’s speech in Act III, Scene 4, 98-204.

  2. When Asia and Panthea encounter Demogorgon in his cave, they ask him several questions, to which Demogorgon responds, “God” (II.4, 9, 11, 18). But when Asia asks him, “who made terror, madness, crime, remorse” (II.4, 19), Demogorgon responds, “He reigns” (II.4, 28, 31). Why? What does this mean?

  3. One of the most famous lines of the poem is Demogorgon’s assertion that “the deep truth is imageless” (II.4, 116). Demogorgon himself is described as “a mighty darkness / ... ungazed upon and shapeless” (II.4, 2-5). Later Demogorgon describes himself to Jupiter as “Eternity,” and adds, “Demand no direr name” (III.1, 52). What is Demogorgon, and why does he, not Prometheus, tear Jupiter from his throne? Think about the image, one of Shelley’s favorites, of the vulture and the snake “twisted in inextricable fight” (III.1, 73).

  4. Act IV presents a lyric vision of renovation. What has become renovated, and how? What, in this act, is the relationship between lyric song and all the things that the fall of Jupiter together with the reunion of Prometheus and Asia have renovated?

  5. According to a famous anecdote about the early days of the French Revolution, clocks throughout Paris were found to have been riddled with bullets. Apparently, without any prearrangement, various people in different parts of the city felt compelled to shoot their rifles at public clocks. Shelley’s poem too is deeply concerned with the nature of time, from the “wingless, crawling hours” (I, 48) of Act I to the “spectres ... / Of the dead Hours” (IV, 12-13) of Act IV. What is the relationship between the “plot” of this lyric drama and the change that occurs to time itself?

  6. What do you think of the “spells” that Demogorgon provides “by which to reassume / An empire o’er the disentangled doom” (IV, 568-69)? If Eternity “should free / The serpent” (IV, 566-57), will these spells work?


At 6:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Period 3

1) The way Prometheus recalls his curse shows that he feels bad about it. It shows his remorse for ever wishing harm on someone else. The Phantasm of Jupiter appears in order to speak the words with which Prometheus cursed Jupiter because Prometheus could not remember them. No one else wanted to say them to him so he called for someone that was willing to utter the words.
2) It means that the one that created all of that is still in power and Demogorgon does not want to be on his bad side.
3) Demogorgon is a spirit. He has no solid form but he does take up space, a presence in a dark cave. Demogorgon is not tied down by the constraints of mortals like Prometheus.
4) In Act IV, the lyric vision of renovation is presented. The thing that has been renovated is time because people are constantly living dramatic emotions. Also, it seems that sometimes the characters feel that time has paused. Also, there is an example that during the early days of the French Revolution, clocks throughout Paris were found to have been riddle, as the next question states.
5) The relationship between the plot and the lyric drama is that some people wanted to shoot the their riffles to the clocks because it seemed that time was paused. Also, some people thought that time passed very slowly, so they did not want to see anymore clocks around the town.
6)What I think these spells mean is that Demogorgon is just trying to get revenge. He knows that there is nothing further he could do so he does a spell. He wants the empire to be filled with doom and evil. The spell of releasing the serpent might not work because people are now constantly changing their life styles.

At 6:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Period 3

1) The way Prometheus recalls his curse shows that he has realized that it was not a moral thing to do. It shows his guilt for ever wishing harm to someone else. The Phantasm of Jupiter appears in order to speak the words of Prometheus curse. He cursed Jupiter, but Prometheus could not remember his words. No one else wanted to say them to him so he called for someone that was willing to sheer the words.
2) What Demogorgon is trying to say though his statement is that the creator of all those evil things is still alive and in power. He says this because he acknowledges this creator and would not like to get in his bad side.
3) Demogorgon is a spirit. He is not really a person who could be seen but is said to take space in a cave. This gives him that characteristic of having shape. Demogorgon is not tied down by the constraints of mortals like Prometheus so he does not take down Jupiter.
4) In Act IV, the lyric vision of renovation is presented. The thing that has been renovated is time because people are constantly living dramatic emotions. Also, it seems that sometimes the characters feel that time has paused. Time has been a major factor of this play because it shows different feelings in time changes.
5) The relationship between the plot and the lyric drama is that some people wanted to shoot their riffles to the clocks because people seemed to accuse time. It was because of time that people could not finish something or felt that time was running out for them. Time continues on never stopping and going forward to the future which would bring people’s destiny.
6) What I think these spells mean is that Demogorgon is just trying to get revenge. He knows that there is nothing further he could do so he does a spell. He wants the empire to be filled with doom and evil. The spell of releasing the serpent might not work because people are now constantly changing their life styles.

At 8:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1.Prometheus and Jupiter are not on friendly terms. The way Prometheus recalls his curse shows that he feels bad about it. It shows his remorse for ever wishing harm on someone else. The Phantasm of Jupiter appears in order to speak the words with which Prometheus cursed Jupiter because Prometheus could not remember them. No one else wanted to say them to him so he called for someone that was willing to utter the words.

2.It means that the one that created all of that is still in power and Demogorgon does not want to be on his bad side.

3.Demogorgon is a spirit. He has no solid form but he does take up space, a presence in a dark cave. Demogrgon is not tied down by the constraints of mortals like Prometheus.

At 9:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

imuradian - p3

1. Prometheus and Jupiter at the beginning of the poem both seem to lavish upon the omnipotence of the Gods. Of course, it is in a different light, for Jupiter merely enforces his power while Prometheus fears it. Over the course of the first act, Prometheus's arrogance seems to take over as he displays less admiration to the gods. Prometheus "recalls" his curse almost as though it was an insignificant action of his. The phantasm appeared in order to tell Prometheus of his wrongdoing, and to give him a chance to repent. Prometheus's repentance seems to appease the god ever so slightly, as seen by the lack of clarity in his response.

2. Demogorgon responds in such a manner to such an inquiry in that he is aware he must not sour God's name by associating it with terror, madness, crime, and remorse. That is, since God is ever-reigning, placing blame on him for the horrors of the world would indeed prompt severe disciplinary action.

3. Demogorgon seems to be the embodiment of Satan. He is described as "a mighty darkness, ungazed upon and shapeless." He even goes by the name eternity, and labels it most dire of names, thus hinting toward the unimagineable terror of everlasting torture in hell. Demogorgon tears Jupiter from his throne simply because he is the only entity capable of slashing the divinity of the gods.

4. In act IV, the renovation is simply the throne of Jupiter and Prometheus's acknowledgement of divinity. Such themes have undergone renovation in that they were abandoned earlier in the play and have been restored, possibly for dramatic effect. The lyric song seems to verbally illustrate Jupiter's feelings toward the reunion of Prometheus and Asia.

5. The plot of the lyric drama and the change that occurs to time are dependent of one another within the play. The story delves into the realm of gods and goddesses, which already enters what many would consider a parallel universe in which time parameters from what we know may change entirely. Furthermore, the "dead hours" the poem speaks of refers to lost time, similar to the dire eternity of which Demogorgon speaks.

6. The spells that Demogorgon provides “by which to reassume / An empire o’er the disentangled doom” is his way of exercising his advocation of Satan. He yearns for the earth to be consumed by the eternal flames of hell itself, and would have no greater pleasure than to see the downfall of all gods by the hands of his revered lord. If Eternity “should free / The serpent”, then the spells should obviously work, for the serpent would be freed by the eternity which Demogorgon claims to possess.

At 10:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prometheus Unbound

1. In the beginning of the first act, Prometheus despises Zeus’ reign. He refers to Zeus’ reign as an “ill tyranny,” (I, 19) which explains that he view Zeus as a tyrant or an evil ruler. The phantasm of Jupiter appears since he is summoned by Prometheus. Prometheus stated, “Once breathed on thee I would recall,” (I, 59) which called for the phantasm to reappear since he wanted to recall his curse. Furthermore, the relationship between Zeus and Prometheus does not change at all. Prometheus hates Zeus throughout the story. Prometheus’ repentance does have effects since he was able to curse Zeus leading to Zeus’ death and to the end of tyranny.

2. Demogorgon responds, “He reigns,” (II.4, 28, 31) since he accepts the role of Zeus. Overall, he is acknowledging that Zeus is in control of the world. It is never indicated that Demogorgon truly shows a desire to destroy Zeus. Before saying “He reigns,” Demogorgon states, “God: Almighty god” (II, 12) and “Merciful god.” (II, 18) These quotes are implying that Demogorgon views Zeus in a positive light since they indicate that he is referring to him as an almighty and merciful god. In fact, Prometheus cursed Zeus, which forced Demogorgon into the position to destroy Zeus. If the curse was not used, it would never bring Zeus’ doom by Demogorgon.

3. According to Wikipedia, Demogorgon is the son of Zeus and Thetis the nymph. Prometheus never had the power to fight Zeus in the first place. If Prometheus was enslaved by Zeus, he was obviously not capable of defeating Zeus. The only one who could destroy Zeus was Demogorgon since he is Zeus’ son and possesses Zeus’ blood. Demogorgon also refers to himself as “Eternity.” (III.1, 52) No one can destroy eternity, which has no end and cannot be destroyed.

4. The relationship between these elements is change. The topic of the lyric song speaks of change, which is the liberation of mankind and Prometheus from Zeus. This ties to the fall of Zeus and the reunion of Prometheus and Asia since it shows liberation through the fall of Jupiter and the reunion, which instigated change. Therefore, the lyric song and Zeus’ fall and the reunion are connected through the topic of change.

5. The plot is related to time since the plot counts the amount of hours that pass until Zeus’ death. A quote states, “wingless, crawling hours,” (I, 48) which is implying how the hours pass slowly. Suspense is usually a reason that hours pass slowly. The people in the plot know that Zeus will meet his end. Therefore, suspense builds within them and the readers as they wait for Zeus’ death.

6. Yes, these spells would work since they have worked in our own reality. Even though we as a society have suffered many wrongs, we have kept Gentleness, Virtue, Wisdom, and Endurance within our thoughts and used them to persevere through those wrongs and made them right.

At 11:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Avery Williams
Discussion questions
1.The relationship between Prometheus and Jupiter is one filled with hatred. Prometheus is angered by Jupiter’s unjust treatment and you as the reader fell a tension drawn by the domination of an elder generation and the new youth’s take over. Prometheus recalls his curse in an act of defiance, in which he is angered by the injustice and tries to embower himself by overcoming the curse. After the Phantasm of Jupiter comes to place the curse once one on Prometheus his hatred for his adversary turns to pity.
2.Asia is playing up her personal declaration of love for the suffering of humanity. She is trying to get Demogorgon to see that Prometheus gave humanity hope and the gift of fire. His act of kindness to people that were unable to repay him signifies his honorable attributes, that is wasn’t about receiving something in return. Even if it meant having his liver devoured by eagles for the rest of eternity.
3.Two evil battling for a complex prize that neither want the other one to receive, is pictured in my mind when I analyze the snake and the vulture twisted and fighting each other. Prothemues’s incarnation is symbolic of the genius of humanity chained and suffering under the tyranny rule of evil. This is why it is Demogorgon who tears Jupiter from his thrown. Demogordon is Jupiter son, a product of Jupiter’s rape of Thetis. Demogordon is Jupiter’s down fall because he was his son and a product of Jupiter’s flawed character.
4.The renovation of society and the evils of the tyranny leader including kings social classes and discrimination takes place is symbolized by the lyrical song. Asia and Prometheus’s union is a connotation of victory as well as a union of two equal and fair persons of the falls of the common persons.
5.Time sequences places a vital role in how stories are presented to the reader and portrayed as. Shelley emphasizes this by highlighting the time and messing around with it. This is apparent when one of the gods travels back into time to attend a dinner before Prometheus punishment.
6.It is apparent through Shelly’s work and creation of Demogordon that the spell have worked as humanity has evils. It has that battle between what is right and wrong. However the lines that defines these boundaries are not always so clear and we begin to question our morals. When Demogordon says the moral at the end of the story is secured; that the “spells” have been cast and it is an apparent danger to become entirely evil and without morals and what a curse that would be upon Humanity.

At 12:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Per. 3

1. Both Prometheus and Jupiter have a mutual relationship in the beginning of the play. They both enforce power in the first act. Prometheus is in the Indian Caucasus where he is overwhelmed by Jupiter’s eagle. Jupiter repeats Prometheus curse and Prometheus hatred towards his opponent turns into sympathy. That’s what he meant by repeating his curse. Phantasm of Jupiter appears to inform of what was done wrong and giving him a second chance. The repentance has some effect towards his character, but is not really enforced much in his speech.

2. What possibly could be implied by such responses of Demogorgon is the end of Jupiter’s reign and the Spirit of the Hour. In addition, he shouldn’t have put God and terror, madness etc. because that would be morally disrespectful.

3. Demogorgon is described as a “mighty darkness/…ungazed upon and shapeless” mainly because he is thought as nothing but pure evil. His main objective is to destroy and bring down what is there. In this case, he brought down Jupiter. I think he tears Jupiter from his throne because he misunderstood the nature of Demogorgon, who was the child born to Thetis , who Jupiter raped. He has the power to enforce changes and he does so.

4. The renovation of peace and joy has a profound effect. Nature and culture seem to be united now. “We join the throng of the dance and the song, By the whirlwind of gladness borne along; As the flying-fish leap From the Indian deep And mix with the sea-birds half-asleep.”(lines 81-86) The lyric song adds an effect upon the renovation. It is sung with a jovial tone, therefore implying positive change. Both Prometheus and Asia are satisfied with the renovation.

5. Certainly time plays a key role in the outcome of the play. Initially it was the “wingless, crawling hours” )I,48) to “ dead hours”(IV,12-13). This is due to all the events that took place, which time was a factor. It took time to realize all the wrongdoings and the changes that needed to be made. It simply reformed society.

6. The spells that Demogorgon provides “by which to reassume and empire o’er the disentangled doom “is basically implying evil. All good to be put down is what the main goal was. For the second, the eternity of Demogorgon makes the “should free the serpent “spell work. It’s simply the matter of what you think is morally correct.


At 12:07 AM, Blogger ENRIQUE said...

1. Both Prometheus and Jupiter have a mutual relationship in the beginning of the play. They both enforce power in the first act. Prometheus is in the Indian Caucasus where he is overwhelmed by Jupiter’s eagle. Jupiter repeats Prometheus curse and Prometheus hatred towards his opponent turns into sympathy. That’s what he meant by repeating his curse. Phantasm of Jupiter appears to inform of what was done wrong and giving him a second chance. The repentance has some effect towards his character, but is not really enforced much in his speech.

2. What possibly could be implied by such responses of Demogorgon is the end of Jupiter’s reign and the Spirit of the Hour. In addition, he shouldn’t have put God and terror, madness etc. because that would be morally disrespectful.

3. Demogorgon is described as a “mighty darkness/…ungazed upon and shapeless” mainly because he is thought as nothing but pure evil. His main objective is to destroy and bring down what is there. In this case, he brought down Jupiter. I think he tears Jupiter from his throne because he misunderstood the nature of Demogorgon, who was the child born to Thetis , who Jupiter raped. He has the power to enforce changes and he does so.

4. The renovation of peace and joy has a profound effect. Nature and culture seem to be united now. “We join the throng of the dance and the song, By the whirlwind of gladness borne along; As the flying-fish leap From the Indian deep And mix with the sea-birds half-asleep.”(lines 81-86) The lyric song adds an effect upon the renovation. It is sung with a jovial tone, therefore implying positive change. Both Prometheus and Asia are satisfied with the renovation.

5. Certainly time plays a key role in the outcome of the play. Initially it was the “wingless, crawling hours” )I,48) to “ dead hours”(IV,12-13). This is due to all the events that took place, which time was a factor. It took time to realize all the wrongdoings and the changes that needed to be made. It simply reformed society.

6. The spells that Demogorgon provides “by which to reassume and empire o’er the disentangled doom “is basically implying evil. All good to be put down is what the main goal was. For the second, the eternity of Demogorgon makes the “should free the serpent “spell work. It’s simply the matter of what you think is morally correct.

At 1:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. The relationship between Prometheus and Jupiter at the beginning of the poem is a steady one, which then devolves into a primitive disagreement of belief between the two, within the first act. Jupiter’s phantasm appears before Prometheus in order to tell him to change his beliefs and repent for is actions against the gods.
2. Asia and Panthea’s encounter with Demogorgon in his cave is a very informative one. Demorgoron answers their questions with “he reigns.” He is talking about an all powerful being that controls all.
3. Demorgoron is all the misfortune and sadness that exists. He is the one that tears Jupiter from his throne because he is the only entity capable to pull a god from their glory.
4. In act IV the lyric and song renovates the reunion of Prometheus and Asia very melodically and harmoniously. The renovation renews the exploration of themes in the poem. Jupiter’s throne was also monumental in act IV.
5. The relationship between plot of lyric drama and the change that occurs to time are symbiotic of each other in the poem.
6. The “spells” that Demorgorgon provides is his expression of the darkness which he enforces. These spells would work because, Demorgorgon enforces them with an iron fist and allocatez all his efforts toward them.

At 2:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. The relationship between Prometheus and Jupiter is that Prometheus is tied to the mountain because of Jupiter. “MONARCH of Gods and Dæmons, and all Spirits / But One, who throng those bright and rolling worlds”(1.1, line 1-2). “Nailed to this wall of eagle-baffling mountain” (1.1, line 20). Jupiter’s eagle starts pecking in his heart. “His beak in poison not his own, tears up / My heart” (1.1, lines 35-36). It changes by having the other characters talking about him. Prometheus recalls the “curse” because he is tied to the mountain and an eagle is pecking on his heart. The only thing he could think of is the curse. Phantasm of Jupiter appears to have Prometheus recognize that it is his fault to be cursed. Also, this gives the audience more information about the curse. After hearing the curse, his anger turns into pity. He realizes that it was his fault for the curse and starts to feel sorry for him.
2. When he responds to Asia, he said “He reigns” because he sees that Jupiter will be defeated. “Fate, Time, Occasion, Chance and Change? To these / All things are subject but eternal Love” (1.2.4, lines 119-120). Some power of love will overthrow Jupiter. For now, the character is unkown.
3. Demogorgon is like a spirit or a ghost that tells the truth and the future. He tears Jupiter from his throne because he is stronger than Prometheus and his morals allowed him to take the action. Demogorgon is like a vulture that pecks on the snake when it is dead. Demorgorgon sees that Jupiter is becoming weak, but waits when he is vulnerable. His knowledge allowed him to defeat Jupiter.
4. The things that were renovated were wisdom and love. They become renovated because Earth dies and comes back as spirit to teach Asia about wisdom and love. The lyric of the song tells what was really happening during the fall of Jupiter with the reunion of Prometheus and Asia.
5. The “plot” of the lyric drama is that there is too much hatred on Earth. Especially during the French Revolution, Shelley wanted people to recognize that going against nature will not solve the problem. Shelley shows when time passes, things will start getting better.
6. The “spells” that Demogorgon provides does destroy and the empire will be doomed. When someone has too much power, they will use in their advantage and only for their own benefit. The spells will not work because eternity will last longer. People will not fear the spell because they will not die.

At 9:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anna Rivas

1.Prometheus recalls his curse which shows that he feels bad about the way he acts. It demonstrates his remorse for wishing harm on someone. The Phantam of Jupiter appears in order to speak the words of Prometheus when he curses Jupiter, because Prometheus does not recall theses words. No one would say the words so he called someone who was willing to say them.
2.I t means that the one who created terror, madness, crime, and remorse is still in power and Demogorgon does not want to react in a bad manner.
3.Demogorgon is a spirit. He does not have a solid form although he does take up space; a presence in a dark cave. Demogorgon is not tied by the constraints of mortals like Prometheus.
4.In Act IV, the lyric of vision of renovation is presented. The thing that has been renovated is time, that’s because people are constantly living dramatic emotions. Also, it seems that sometimes the characters feel that time has paused. Also, there is an example that during the early days of the French Revolution, clocks throughout Paris were found to have been puzzle, as the next subject states.
5.The relationship between the plot and the lyric drama is that some people wanted to shoot their riffles towards the clocks because it seemed that time had paused. Other people thought that the time passed very slowly and because of that they did not want to see any clocks in town.
6.I think the spells mean that Demogorgon was just trying to get revenge. He knows that his revenge cannot go further so because of that he decides to cast a spell. He wants the empire to be filled with death and evil. The spell of releasing the serpent might not work because people are now constantly changing their lifestyles.

At 11:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Per. 3
Prometheus Unbound

1.The relationship between Prometheus and Jupiter is that of animosity. Jupiter punishes Prometheus after he makes him angry. The relationship becomes worse as the first act progresses. The Phantasm appears in order to remind Prometheus of the curse because he seems to have forgotten the importance of it by the way that he talks about it. The effects of his repentance are that he has become a better person.
2.He responds this because although God may have made only good things he is still the one that reigns over everything so he was trying to say that even though it’s bad he still has control. It means that no matter what God reigns.
3.He is a higher being that Prometheus which is why he tears Jupiter from the throne instead of Prometheus. He seems to have a lot more courage and strength so he has the ability to tear him from his throne.
4.Prometheus has renovated his self being. He has become a much better person. The relationship between the lyric song and all of the other things is that they all symbolize a type of rebirth. It calls for a new beginning for all things.
5.The relationship between the drama and the changes in time are that it is concerned with the same types of problems. The drama relates to what is going on in the real world while also hoping for a change for the better.
6.The spells work as a hope for change. I don’t think that they will work but it will help reassure everyone of how things will get better.

At 11:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

josieflores - p3
1)At the beginning of the poem the relationship
between Prometheus and Jupiter is unsteady. It seems
as though they are both enemies within this act.
Throughout the play their relationship becomes worse
with each other, after the Phantasm of Jupiter is gone
Prometheus realizes what he has done. Prometheus
recalls himself as being wiser from the curse. “I
speak in grief, Not exultation, for I hate no more, As
then ere misery made me wise. The curse Once breathed
on thee I would recall” –Prometheus (I 56-59) The
Phantasm of Jupiter appears in order to scorn
Prometheus for the words of hate he spoke earlier.
Later when Prometheus repents about what he did
earlier, his repentance seems true and meaningful.
2)Demogorgon is constantly refering to god and the
reign he has over everyone and everything. To him God
is a powerful being which is why he may be refering to
him in act II. When Asia asks Demogorgon about terror
and madness, instead of responding with the word “God”
he says “He Reigns. There could be a number of reasons
why Demogorgon does this. I think that he would repeat
that because it is not God’s actual will to do those
things. It’s the way he must reign and keep control
which causes him to act so destructive at times.
3)Demogordon’s descriptions of himself can first seem
confusing. This is because he first refers to himself
as a shapeless darkness, and than later as “Eternity”.
Even though he gives those two descriptions they are
very different. A shapeless darkness is an appearance
of what he may be looked at upon by others when he is
seen. Demogordon thinks of himself as an Eternity,
and even though Jupiter may act as a similar image to
Demogordon, Jupiter is an equally important factor.
Renovation has become the reunision of the fall of
Jupiter and of Prometheus.
4)In act IV, the themes that are in renovation are the ultimate power of the god Jupiter versus Prometheus's defiance to this power. The relationship between Prometheus and Asia has become renovated in particular, and the lyric song is connected to the the fall of Jupiter because that is what it embodies in full.
5. The relationship between the lyric drama and time itself is apparent as the poem progresses. Particularly, the measurement of time is not clearly stated in the play, nor is the amount of time it takes to complete the poem. This ambiguity is similar to Demogorgon's speak of infinity and its direness.
6. Demogorgon's spells “by which to reassume / An empire o’er the disentangled doom” are quite impressive for they fully succeed in their undertaking, yet at times his devilish motives cause the reader to fear them.

At 8:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

1. At the beginning of the poem Prometheus and Jupiter are enemies and Prometheus has a curse over Jupiter. By the end of the act, Prometheus comes to feel more pity for Jupiter rather than hate. Prometheus recalls his curse because he has gotten over his hatred of Jupiter and thought the curse was inhumane. I think the Phantasm of Jupiter appears to recite Prometheus’ curse for effect. The Phantasm can make Prometheus feel guilty. I think Prometheus feels bad about the curse and when he says “It doth repent me,” it extinguishes Jupiter’s power because Jupiter’s power was fueled by hate.

2. Asia questions him about all the bad things on Earth, things that Demogorgon thinks that God did not create. When she questions him about “terror, madness, crime, remorse,” he answers that a being that is still living created these things. God did not create the evilness, but some other mighty being still in power.

3. Demogorgon is a spirit that is an offspring of Jupiter. Demogorgon is just a shape because he represents truth and truth is eternal. He rips Jupiter from his throne instead of Prometheus because he is Jupiter’s son. He says, “we must dwell together henceforth in darkness” (III. 1, 55). Like the snake and vulture in a fight, they will fall together.

4. The world has become renovated by the fall of Jupiter. Social classes, nations, and racial distinction also fall and the world is liberated. The lyric song goes along with the happier mood in the play. The lyric song acts as music that sets the mood in movies. The different spirits that sing represent all the areas the renovation touches and all the areas that are affected by the happiness.

5. Time is important in this lyric drama. The lyrical aspect changes with time in this drama. Like mentioned earlier, the tone of the lyrics hel to set the mood of the play and also show the changes of time. For example, as Asia and Prometheus escape or as spring nears the lyrics seem lighter and happier.

6. Eternity is Demogorgon and the serpent could be Jupiter. If the serpent, or Jupiter, is realeased Jupiter will probably be angry and want to rebuild his empire. If Eternity realeases the serpent the spells will not work because Jupiter will want to destroy any empire that has been built over the doom he left behind.

At 2:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Period 3

1) Prometheus feels sorry and almost sad for Jupiter. Prometheus is forced to stay in this prison where he is being tortured. Prometheus doesn’t understand why none of the “spirits” are helping him, he doesn’t know why they are afraid, he knows this is a curse set upon him by Jupiter from the answers he gets from the “spirits”. The phantasm of Jupiter appears to Prometheus to tell him why Jupiter is angry with him, basically telling him the things that sounded almost like a threat. Prometheus doesn’t take back what he said nbut seems almost amazed that Jupiter would inflict this pain onto him; he seems almost innocent, as if he was just saying a statement. It makes us feel pity for Prometheus.
2) Demogorgon seemed shapeless and when he answered God because he had that power. When he answers “He reigns”, it might mean that the power got to his head. He needed people worshipping him , and fearing him. So he brings about “terror, madness, crime, and remorse” because it shows the power of Jupiter.
3) Demogorgon is described as a dark shapeless creature who is obviously very powerful, because he seems to be able to answer any question given to him. Demogorgon is the son of Jupiter and Thetis. His name might be a clue as to how people viewed him, probably as a demon or evil spirit. He tears Jupiter off his throne because he is the only one who can take over, he knows what can be fixed. The vulture and the snake are both carnivores, and Vultures eat only meat that is dead, snakes usually kill warm-blooded prey. The bird is bigger than the snake but the snake doesn’t give up because it can tighten it’s muscles against the vulture. IT will be in an ongoing fight, but there will be a victor, it depends on who is the bigger and mightier.
4) The fourth act starts off in a song, and we see more of a hurried lyrical song after the “song” is finished. We see the earth and the moon seem to have a sort of a friendship evolve symbolizing peace. Demogorgon appears to address everyone and give something of a moral to the tale. There is rejoicing over the reunion of Prometheus and Asia.
5) The only thing that seems to come out of the “plot” is Shelly’s idea of the effects of living under a tyrannical rule in which one would start to think that one doesn’t need anything else and that you reproduce tyranny within oneself and start to think that you don’t need anybody else.
6) Demogorgon’s spells just gives everyone the idea that the world could go back to the way things were with Jupiter in rule but it would not happen if the Earth keeps hold of the serpent, the serpent begin Jupiter.

At 5:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ae p3

1. They were fine with no problems. he would hear the curse again and questions how cursed he left him. He feels faint from thinking about it but its not plesure. He has calm hate.
2. I believe it means that he has all power and wants to be like god. God can do anything and cause anything. Demogorgon wants to be like god and be seen like god since its a big thing to be. nobody will question god. When Demogorgon descibes himslef it sort of reminds me of God. He is image less.
3.He is something that some one can descirbe as dark and image less, so we really dont know what he is. he can be anything but we cant really see it. I belive its a famous line because its a great discription of oneself especially of Demogorgon. I believe he tears him from the throne because Jupiter didnt know what he was dealing with and what was going to hit him.
4. Everything has been renovated in life. Everything sounds so peaceful when the spirits speak. Life has been renovated since there is victory. There is something nice said about the moon, the earth and there is forgiveness.
5. It takes place during a time that we arent familiar with. It takes place with the moon and the earth and sprirts talking with each other. In the last act it seemd peaceful. Time itself is very hard to describe. In this lyric it talks of eternity.
6. Demogorgon spells will work if they are really wanted to work. He will put all his might and soul into them and will be proud of the outcome. Some one doesn't cast spells unless they really want them to work. What Demogorgon says about eternity are feelings that are important to him.

At 11:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1.Both Jupiter and Prometheus acknowledge the omnipotence of Gods. Over the course of the first act, Prometheus becomes insubordinate as he contemplates stealing fire from the Gods. Prometheus recalls the curse and it is foreboding of his actions.

2. Demogorgon seems to be presenting a dismal world outlook. Madness reigns the world.

3. Demogorgon tears Jupiter from the throne to show the supremacy of his philosophy. An abstract image of truth lies at the heart of the Gods.

4. The lyric song represents the renovation of Prometheus and Asia and concurrently the fall of Jupiter.

5. The plot of this lyric drama occurs due to the flow of time. Otherwise there would be a setting but no plot.

6. If eternity should free the serpent, then it would seem that these spells would work. They help to overcome the limitations of time.

At 11:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

kyle jones

1) Both Prometheus and juipter realize the all knowing all powerfull omnipotiance of the gods. As the first act progresses prometheus becomes unruly and begins to wonder about staling fire from the gods. prometheus is hesitant about stealing the fire from the gods, as he reacals the curse. He is unsure about his course of action.

2) Demogorgon responds, "he reigns" and this leads the reader to beleive several things. Obviously Demogorgon's outlook is bleak, but his response makes it seem like good and evil are one in the same in representations of god.

3) Demogorgon is as what he describes himself to juipter, "eternity". It is Demogorgon, and not prometheus, who rips juipter from his high seat to show that Demogorgon and his ideals are superior to those of the gods, who he sees as false.

4) The renovation of Prometheus and Asia and and also the fall of juipter are represented in the renovation of the lyric song.

5) The relationship between the "plot" of this lyric drama and the change that occurs to time itself is one of great importance in the poem. The plot of this lyric drama occurs over time, otherwise there would be the fixings of a setting, but the plot would be nonexistant.

6) IF eternity frees the serpent, the spells would have to work, to help defeat the boundraies of time.

At 11:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. In the beginning, Prometheus has a vision that Jupiter will be overthrown by someone, but refuses to tell him. This creates tension between the two and Prometheus is chained to a mountain by Jupiter. Prometheus’s heart is eaten by Jupiters eagle. Therefore the two don’t like each other. They are each others enemies. When Prometheus recalls his curse, you are compelled to feel sympathy towards him. He finally realizes his act was wrong and he doesn’t want to be chained up anymore. One effect of Prometheus’ repentance is that he is unchained and his response allowed Jupiter and the other gods to feel sorrow for him, therefore unchaining him and giving him another chance.

2. When Demagorgon responds with “he reigns” he is responding because he believes that God reigns over the earth when there is terror, madness, crimes, and remorse. He believes that the reason those evils are on earth are because God believes it to be necessary for life on Earth. Not everything is fine and dandy, dancing through clouds.

3. Demagorgon is a daemon from the underworld. He is a god of the underworld. He tears Jupiter from his throne because he does not have any second thoughts about it. Prometheus has the abiliy to feel sorrow and think about what hes doing.

4. The song is sang by many different Spirits, and it might symobolize the coming together of long lost love of Prometheus and Asia. It symbolizes a new beginning. Jupiter is gone, and Prometheus has reunited with his old flame, and they want to start new together.

5. Time is starting over, and reality stops for a slight second, but then is started up again once they realize that Jupiter is not fully necessary to live life. Jupiter is overthrown and while that may seem to stop reality, it actually helped Prometheus to become reunited with Asia.

6. The spells are just to prove Demagorgons power.

At 11:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chelsea Leon

1) In the beginning of the poem, Jupiter and Prometheus were enemies and Prometheus was punishing Jupiter by having his eagle eat at his liver and heart for all eternity. When Prometheus recalls his curse, Prometheus is offered another chance and is freed from the rock. The effects of Jupiter’s repentence caused Prometheus to have more sympathy for him and let him be untied.

2) When Demogorgan responds, “He reigns” he is saying that it is God who has caused all suffering. He is saying that evil is necessary to have the good on earth. “You’ve got to be cruel to be kind.”

3) Demogorgan is a daemon from the underworld and. Daemon- a god. Demogorgan has more power to tear Jupiter from his throne because he is a demon and has less feeling of guilt, whereas Prometheus would have more sympathy and might second-guess himself.

4) The song is written in “cosmic coda” and is different from the rest of the poem’s style. This could mean a “new beginning.”

5) Time can make all the difference in the world. One hour, one minute, or second can change anything. In this lyric drama, time starts over with a new beginning for all.

6) The spells prove that Demogorgan has power. It is a possibility that these spells might work.

At 11:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


1. At the beginning of the novel, Jupiter’s relationship with Prometheus is not very good. Jupiter has chained him to a rock to be tortured by eagles for all of eternity. As Prometheus recalls his curse, he reflects on how he became chained to the rock, and he becomes more and more angry with Jupiter at first. However, as he continues to reflect, he soon begins to pity Jupiter, and sees that he is a weak man, and is insecure. As he continues to feel this way, he “repents.” By repenting, he is admitting that he has done something wrong, somewhat validating what Jupiter has done to him.

2. When Demagorgon responds with “he reigns”, he is saying that all of those evils are an essential part of life on Earth. He is saying that God does not guarantee that everything will be always good. Suffering is a part of living, but that doesn’t mean that God is not present.

3. Demagorgon stands for all that is evil in the world. He consists of the parts of life that are more realistic. When he says that he is “eternity”, he is saying that he is the existence of each element of life, whether it is good or bad. He is in one sense, the bearer of destiny. He removes Jupiter from his throne because that is what is meant to happen. He is able to successfully do it, unlike Prometheus, because Demagorgon is not an actual character with real feelings and thoughts of guilt.

4. By having the various spirits tie up the lose ends of the story in lyric renovation, we are able to look at in a general way. We get an overview of what happens, without the narrative bias of any specific character. This way, we not only know what happens in the end, but we are also able to reflect upon the events that occurred throughout the story.

5. In this lyric poem, time perspective changes throughout the duration of the story. At times time seems to drag on and on, while at others, thousands of years will have gone by. This kind of time manipulation shows that time doesn’t necessarily have to be continuous for a story to remain consistent. In the end, time still moves forward the entire time, causing the plot to move forward as well.

6. I think that his spells will work because he is successful in overtaking Jupiter’s throne. Also, his spells seem to just be an omen of what is supposed to happen in the future.

At 9:59 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Taylor Brown’s

1. The relationship between Prometheus and Jupiter starts out as one full of anger and hatred towards one another. Prometheus has a curse over Jupiter. As the act come to an end, Prometheus hatred towards Jupiter turns more to pity and sorrow. Prometheus ends up taking back his curse because he feels bad for Jupiter. I think the Phantasm of Jupiter appears in order to speak the words with which Prometheus cursed Jupiter to add more excitement and make it more dramatic. I think Prometheus feels bad about putting the curse of Jupiter.

2. Asia and Panthea ask Demogorgon who create all the evil things on this earth. He responds by saying that God didn’t create evil things, someone on this earth who is still in power create all of this bad stuff.

3. Demogorgon represents truth and with that he is responsible for taking the throne from Jupiter. Not only that but he is also Jupiter’s son which makes him even more practical to rip the throne from his father’s ruling.

4. With the fall of Jupiter the world has now become renovated. All the badness is gone and there is structure once again. Evil things such as social classes and discrimination are eliminated as well. The lyric song makes this section seem happy and joyful because of the fall of Jupiter so it fits nicely.

5. The plot of this lyric drama and time both seem to go together really well. They seem to intertwine in a way that the lyrical part of the poem seems to change over time. The changes that occur over time in the poem are reinforced by the lyrics of the poem.

6. In the spells I believe Eternity is Demogorgon and Jupiter is the serpent. So basically, if Jupiter is released he’ll want to rebuild his empire and punish people for his misfortunes. But if Demogorgon releases Jupiter the spell won’t work because Jupiter will be pissed and try to rebuild his empire over the new one in it’s place.

At 6:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

TMorley p. 3

1. At the beginning of the poem Prometheus and Jupiter are enemies. Prometheus has gone so far as to place a curse over Jupiter out of hatred. This relationship changes because Prometheus feels sorry for Jupiter being under the curse rather than pure hate toward him. Prometheus eventually repeals the curse because he felt so sorry for him and was “over it.” It was like when you push someone down so hard that you feel obligated to help him back up. The phantasm of Jupiter is there to tell Prometheus exactly what he does, and serves as a reality check. It is like when someone says, “So let me get this straight…” This draws guilt from Prometheus and he eventually repeals the curse. The “it doth repent me” means that the relationship is on the response of Jupiter, as Prometheus has shown his dominance and must wait to see where to go based on how Jupiter reacts once the curse is repealed.

2. Asia asks him about all the bad, cruel, and evil things on earth, which Demogorgon insists were not created by God. He claims that a living being is creating all the things that are not pure and heavenly. There is clearly an opposition to God, and Demogorgon acknowledges this and tells of the living being.

3. Demogorgon is a child of Jupiter, but has no shape, color, or true body. He is more of a spirit that keeps everything in check. He lives forever, because truth knows no eternity. No one knows Jupiter better than his own offspring, and Demogorgon rips Jupiter from his throne because he is one of the few things that he lets his guard down around.

4. The fall of Jupiter is the origin of renovation. Any time something of that might at the top of the totem pole comes crashing down there are bound to be changes at the bottom. The world is liberated and society is forever changed. There are different facets of the renovation highlighted by the different spirits that sing, and the lyric poem shows the fresh, new, glorious rebirth.

5. The biggest thing in mythology is that mortal humans are on a clock and the Gods are eternal and have no acquaintance with time, so bridging the gap is an obvious problem. The Gods obviously know seasons, and the timing is apparent when Asia and Prometheus escape into spring. I think that the bridging of time is what allows us do derive the hundreds of stories out of the mythological beings.

6. I think that the curse is smart, because when you put someone down for so long and ruin everything they made, they are going to get really mad and retaliate when they can. The serpent (Jupiter) is going to go nuts if he is let go, and the best thing for Demogorgon to do to create his empire is to force his father into submission. From a moral standpoint this is wrong, but for his success this is the best option.


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